Atomic Pest Control provides professionally trained technicians dedicated to weed control services in the state of Arizona.
Atomic Pest Control provides peace of mind to their Arizona customers. "Where Reliability and Consistency Counts."
Weed Removal in Arizona
You don't have to worry about explaining the same problem to different technicians that come to your home; we make sure that we are consistent in sending the same technician to service your home.
We work hard to make sure that the service we provide is done right the first time and is completed in a timely manner.
Our business is to ensure that you have peace of mind knowing that your property is protected from weeds and any other unwanted pests.
We offer the best products and train our technicians on the latest technology available. The products we use are the industries finest, most effective, and environmentally friendly.
All of our products (which include, lawn weed control products, natural weed control, etc.,) are mixed at the proper EPA levels to provide our Arizona customers with the best pest control and weed control products.
Our technicians are accredited by the state of Arizona and are dedicated to weed services in the state of Arizona.
We have a weed division dedicated to providing you with a specifically designed treatment plan to fit your weed needs that will help reduce lawn maintenance costs; your satisfaction is guaranteed. Here are some of our services.
Our technicians are there to answer any questions that you may have; our goal is to make sure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions on treatment approaches for your home.
Coming soon, a complete list of all the weeds found in Arizona and how calling Atomic will help you control them.
Alkali heliotrope, Chinese parsley, quail plant Annual bluegrass, walk grass Annual golden eye Annual sow thistle Annual yellow sweet clover, sour clover Bare stem larkspur Barnyard grass Bitter rubber weed, bitter weed Black medic, nonesuch, hop medic Black mustard | Bluestem prickle poppy Broadleaf milkweed Broadleaf plantain, common plantain, ripple seed plantain Broom snakeweed Brown top panicum Buckhorn plantain, ribwort, narrow leaf plantain Buffalo bur, Colorado bur, Mexican thistle, and Texas thistle Bur clover Camel thorn Camphorweed Canada thistle Canaigre, wild rhubarb Cluster dock, green dock Coast fiddle neck, coast buckthorn Common cocklebur Common lambs quarters Common mullein common purslane, parsley, pusley, wild portulaca coulter spiderling, coulter boerhaavia creeping woodsorrel, creeping oxalis crownbeard, golden crownbeard curly dock dallisgrass desert baileya, desert marigold desert saltgrass, inland saltgrass, seashore saltgrass, marsh spikegrass, saltgrass desert senna, cove senna desert thornapple | desert tobacco dodder feather fingergrass field bindweed field sandbur fingerleaf gourd, fingerleaf coyote melon fivehook bassia, smother weed fly mushroom, fly amanita, fly agaric fringed pigweed gambel oak, shinnery globemallow golden corydalis gordon bladderpod green foxtail, green bristlegrass, bottlegrass greenspored mushroom, morgan lepiota, greenspored lepiota hairy bowlesia halogeton, barilla hemp sesbania, colorado river hemp, big-podded sesbania henbit hoary cress, whitetop hog potato, pignut horehound horse purslane horseweed junglerice, watergrass juniper kings lupine lambert crazyweed, lambert loco, point loco, purple loco, white loco leafy pondweed little mallow, cheeseweed littleseed canarygrass malta starthistle, tocalote mediterraneanrass mexican sprangletop monolepis, patota, patata narrowleaf goosefoot nettleleaf goosefoot new mexico copperleaf nuttall milkvetch orange caltrop, mexican poppy, summer poppy, arizona poppy palmer amaranth, carelessweed pingue, colorado rubberweed povertyweed red spiderling red sprangletop redstem filaree, filaree, alfilaree, alfilaria | rescue brome, rescue grass rocky mountain iris rubber rabbitbrush, big rabbitbrush sacred datura, indianapple, tolguacha saltcedar, tamarisk sand peppergrass scarlet morningglory, red morningglory, starglory seepwillow baccharis, seepwillow, waterwally shepherdspurse silky sophora silverleaf nightshade, white horsenettle, trompillo silversheath knotweed silverweed cinquefoil, silverweed sixweeks grama sixweeks needle grama, needle grama skeletonweed eriogonum slimleaf bursage, bursage ragweed slimpod senna, longpod senna small groundcherry small matweed smallflower gaura, velvetweed southwestern cupgrass spiny aster, mexican devilweed spurges spurred anoda squirreltail tall morningglory tansymustard threadleaf groundsel trailing four o'clock tree tobacco tuberous sida western bracken, bracken, bracken fern, brake fern, eagle fern western clammyweed, clammyweed western honey mesquite and velvet mesquite western sneezeweed, sneezeweed, orange sneezeweed western whorled milkweed, horsetail milkweed, poison milkweed wheelscale saltbush white clover white sweetclover whitethorn, mescat acacia wild celery |
If you need more information or have a problem with any type of weed please call us and one of our professionals (weeds are their specialty) will answer any question you may have or send a Weed Removal Professional to assist you.
NOTE: We have some of the most qualified Weed Removal professionals in the field and can be dispatched all over the State of Arizona although we are based in beautiful Scottsdale.
Don't forget to check back with us for updates, news, facts, and more.
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Arizona Weed Control Services
London Rocket
Milk Thistle
Prickly Lettuce
Red Sorrel
Russian Knapweed
Russian Thistle
Sow Thistle
Wild Barley
Wild Oat
Witch Grass
Ground Cherry
Yellow Nutsedge